Mariia Brynych

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Mariia Brynych

Mariia Brynych

Marie is a teacher with a wide range of knowledge of topics of the world, a trained historian, experienced international teacher having completed courses in three different countries. Having had a wide variety of experiences, courses and examinations in her study of English, she can bring an interesting perspective of this the worlds most important and influential language.She is keen on reading books about the WWII and the effect it had on peoples lives. She has been told that many students, receiving her tutelage, request that she has become their educator. People say she is a well-prepared teacher, she never goes into the classroom without a relevant lesson plan specifically tailored to the learning needs of the students at their level of the English language.


V.I.P. English

V.I.P. English

Výrazný pokrok v angličtině pro každého, kdo vyžaduje jistotu a mimořádnou péči.

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Rodinné konstelace

Rodinné konstelace

Výborné pro každého, kdo se zajímá o řešení svých životních problémů.

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Pearson Test

Pearson Test

Mezinárodně platné zkoušky z angličtiny v Institutu pro zrychlené učení Hampson.

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